How To Get Indexed By Google Quickly



How To Get Indexed By Google Quickly

So, you've built your shiny new website, crafted killer content, and now you're ready to conquer the digital world. But wait - there's one teeny-tiny problem: it seems like Google hasn't quite noticed your marvelous creation yet. Don't fret, my fellow website owners! In this blog post, we'll dive into the best ways to quickly get indexed on Google so that you can start attracting the hordes of eager visitors your website deserves. Ready to kickstart your journey towards digital success? Let's get rolling!

What does being indexed by Google mean?

First things first, let's make sure we're all on the same page: what does it mean to be indexed by Google? In a nutshell, being indexed means that Google has discovered and included your website in its vast library of content, making it accessible for users to find through search results.

Learn more about Why getting indexed by Google Matters.

How do I check if my pages are indexed?

Well one of the first places you can looks is Google Search of course. If you want to get an idea of how many pages Google has already indexed for your site, you can simply perform a site: search. Head to Google and enter "" to search all of the pages that have been indexed by Google.

Search :site

You can also check specific pages by using the inurl: search, this will let you search directly for a URL. This will be useful to quickly review and identify individual pages.

Google Search Console

If you have already setup Google Search Console for your website, then head straight to the Indexing Report to get a complete overview of your current indexing status for your website. Here you will find a complete breakdown of total number of pages indexed and not indexed. For the not indexed category you will also be able to see a breakdown of which particular status the pages fall under to help you monitor and fix any potential issues.

Indexing Report

Learn more about Google Indexing Statuses.

Top 5 Tips To Get Indexed Quickly

1. Submit Sitemap to Google Search Console

While it may seem like you are navigating uncharted digital terrain akin to an expert cartographer, devising a sitemap is a fundamental process in achieving prompt indexing by Google. By providing a sitemap, you enable Google to easily comprehend your website's content, ensuring that all pages are lined up for crawling.

Generating a sitemap is simple, especially when utilizing a hosted platform like Wordpress that offers numerous third-party plugins to handle this task. Learn more about XML Sitemaps.

2. Use Internal Linking

The structure of your website and how you direct your visitors through information is vital to ensure that the quality of your website can shine through to Google. Think of your website as a bustling city, and internal linking as the roads connecting different neighborhoods. The better those connecting roads the better and happier the flow of people.

You should ensure that your key prominent pages are linked well from the main menus and footers on every page, while incorporating relevant internal links strategically within your content, guiding users to related pages or articles on your website.

3. Optimize on Page SEO

Enhancing your on-page SEO can be compared to providing your website with an elite access for Google's indexing event. Several aspects demand your attention to achieve this, ranging from the technical aspect of page loading speed and mobile friendly pages, to incorporating apt titles and descriptions in your meta tags. This ensures that the content present in the page aligns closely with its description, effectively utilizing targeted keywords.

You can review your entire sites meta tags and open card previews using Tag Parrot, to quickly and easily spot any issues, like pages with missing titles or descriptions or inconstancy's across your sites.

A crucial element for securing a high ranking on Google is undeniably your backlinks. When reputable websites link to your content, it instantly enhances the credibility of your site as a valuable resource. That being said getting great backlinks is very tricky and requires dedication, creativity, and networking skills.

To begin, it is essential that you at least make sure to publish and distribute your content on social media platforms or related forums. Also, consider reaching out to influencers in your niche for possible collaborations, as obtaining a backlink from their website can give your newly established site a significant boost in search engine rankings.

5. Use an Indexing Service

Despite taking into account all the mentioned factors, it is possible that many pages might not be indexed for an extended period or may never get indexed at all. Indexing services such as Tag Parrot are available to assist in ensuring that all of your pages receive priority indexing within a timeframe of 36-48 hours.

With Tag Parrot, you can effortlessly incorporate your website and automate the complete procedure of seeking instant indexing for each new page added to your sitemap. This guarantees the swift exposure of all your content.

Learn more about setting up Google Indexing.

Remember to produce high-quality material.

Getting indexed doesn't guarantee a significant increase in website traffic; however, it ensures your site's visibility in search results for related queries. Your page position can vary between the first and tenth pages, depending on several influencing factors. But hey, Rome wasn't built in a day, right? It takes time and effort to climb the search engine ranks. Publishing higher quality content and obtaining more backlinks increases the likelihood of achieving higher search engine rankings.

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