Alternate page with proper canonical tag

While managing your website's SEO, encountering various indexing statuses is common, but not all statuses indicate issues that require immediate attention. One such status is the 'Alternate page with proper canonical tag.' In this article, we'll delve into what this status signifies and provide valuable insights to ensure that your pages aren't mistakenly classified as alternate pages. Let's explore!

What does "Alternate page with proper canonical tag" actual mean?

In the vast expanse of the internet, duplicate content is a common occurrence. When Google encounters identical or highly similar content across multiple web pages, it's imperative to designate a preferred version to avoid confusion and ensure optimal user experience. This is where the canonical tag comes into play.

The canonical tag serves as a directive to search engines, signaling which URL should be considered the primary source for indexing and ranking purposes. So, when you come across the status "Alternate page with proper canonical tag," it indicates that Google has recognized the presence of duplicate content but has been guided to prioritize a specific URL as the authoritative source.

By implementing proper canonicalization, website owners can streamline search results, leading to improved user engagement and better visibility in search engine rankings. This practice ensures that users are directed to the most relevant and credible page, enhancing the overall browsing experience.

Ensuring Proper Canonical Tag Implementation

While we've established that the "Alternate page with proper canonical tag" status typically doesn't demand immediate attention, it's essential to conduct a thorough evaluation of which pages are assigned this status and ensure that the correct canonical URL is being designated. There are scenarios where improper canonicalization may occur, potentially resulting in unintended consequences such as pages being excluded from indexing.

I strongly advise spot-checking any pages falling under this category to verify the accurate application of canonical tags. This proactive approach ensures that your website maintains optimal indexing and ranking performance, safeguarding against any inadvertent setbacks in your SEO efforts.

Which other Google indexing status relate to canonical tags?

The following Indexing statuses will also be impacted by how you use canonical tags, read the individual articles to see what the impact might be.

Learn more about canonical tags.

Learn more about other Google Index Statuses...

  • Duplicate, Google chose different canonical than user
  • Blocked due to access forbidden (403)
  • Discovered - currently not indexed
  • Excluded by ‘noindex’ tag
  • Blocked by robots.txt
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