Crawled - currently not indexed

In the realm of SEO, website owners navigate through a myriad of Google indexing statuses, each presenting unique challenges and opportunities. Among these statuses, "Crawled - currently not indexed" stands out as a common source of confusion and concern. In this article, we'll explore the nuances of this indexing status, dissect its underlying causes, and offer practical strategies to boost the visibility of your website's content. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of this enigmatic status and empower your website for enhanced search engine performance.

Understanding "Crawled - currently not indexed":

When Google's web crawler, also known as Googlebot, visits a web page, it undergoes a process called crawling, where it analyzes and indexes the page's content. However, not all crawled pages are immediately indexed and included in Google's search results. The status "Crawled - currently not indexed" indicates that Google has successfully crawled the page but has chosen not to index it at the present moment.

Why Does "Crawled - currently not indexed" Occur?

Several factors can contribute to the occurrence of the "Crawled - currently not indexed" status:

  1. Low Quality Content: Google's algorithms prioritize high-quality, relevant content for indexing. Pages with thin, duplicate, or low-quality content may be deemed less valuable and therefore not indexed.

  2. Duplicate Content Issues: If the content on the crawled page is substantially similar to content found on other pages, Google may choose not to index it to avoid indexing duplicate content.

  3. Technical Issues: Errors in the website's structure, server configuration, or robots.txt file may prevent Googlebot from properly indexing the page.

  4. New or Updated Content: Google's indexing process may prioritize indexing new or updated content over older content. As a result, older pages may remain in the "Crawled - currently not indexed" status temporarily.

Strategies to Improve Indexing and Visibility:

  1. Content Quality Optimization: Focus on creating high-quality, unique, and valuable content that provides genuine value to your target audience. Conduct regular content audits to identify and improve low-quality or duplicate content.

  2. Optimize Metadata and On-Page Elements: Ensure that each page has unique and descriptive title tags, meta descriptions, and headings. Optimize on-page elements such as images, internal links, and structured data markup to enhance relevance and crawlability.

  3. Improve Website Performance: Enhance website speed, usability, and mobile-friendliness to provide a better user experience. Google prioritizes fast, accessible websites for indexing and ranking.

  4. Submit Pages for Indexing: Use Google Search Console to request indexing of specific pages that are not being indexed. This can prompt Google to re-crawl and index the requested pages more quickly.

How can Tag Parrot help with this status?

This indexing status is one of the primary challenges that Tag Parrot has been designed to address. Often, Google may not prioritize indexing your pages due to various factors discussed earlier. However, with Tag Parrot, you can expedite the indexing process significantly. In a matter of hours, we ensure that your pages are pushed directly through the indexing process, bypassing the delays associated with the "Crawled - currently not indexed" status.

With our proven track record, we've successfully assisted thousands of customers in indexing millions of pages that were previously stuck in this status. Let Tag Parrot empower your website for rapid and efficient indexing, unlocking its full potential in search engine results.

Read more about getting started and auto indexing

The Tag Parrot auto index process wil also prioritize helping to index any pages in the following statuses.

Learn more about other Google Index Statuses...

  • Alternate page with proper canonical tag
  • Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt
  • Submitted and indexed
  • Blocked by robots.txt
  • Duplicate without user-selected canonical
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