Not found (404)

Encountering a "Not Found (404)" status is a common occurrence in the world of website management. In this concise article, we'll uncover the implications of this status and offer straightforward strategies to address missing pages effectively.

Understanding "Not Found (404)":

The "Not Found (404)" status indicates that the requested page could not be found on the server. This status typically occurs when a user or search engine attempts to access a page that no longer exists or has been moved without proper redirection.

Strategies for Addressing Missing Pages:

  1. Redirect or Restore: If the page has been moved or renamed, set up a 301 redirect to direct users and search engines to the new URL. Alternatively, restore the missing page to its original location if it was deleted accidentally.

  2. Update Sitemaps: If the page is actually no longer required, ensure that it is no longer appearing in your XML sitemaps.

  3. Custom Error Pages: Create a custom 404 error page to provide users with helpful information and navigation options when they encounter a missing page. This improves user experience and encourages them to explore other parts of your website.

  4. Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor your website for broken links and missing pages using tools like Google Search Console or website crawlers. Promptly address any instances of missing pages to prevent negative impacts on user experience and search engine rankings.

Resolving Temporary 404 Errors: Steps to Prompt Google Re-crawling

Have you encountered a 404 error on your page due to temporary server or code issues? If the page is now available and the error was transient, it's crucial to prompt Google to re-crawl the affected pages. Here's how you can do it:

  1. Validate Fixes: Utilize the "Validate fixes" button within Google Search Console to prompt Google to re-check the pages for any resolved issues.

  2. Manual Submission: Alternatively, access Google Search Console to inspect the affected URLs manually and request indexing of the page. Ensure the "Inspect page" request returns with no errors before clicking "Request Indexing."

  3. Bulk Submission: Simplify the process with Tag Parrot by filtering specifically for the Not Found (404) errors. Then, with just a click, use the bulk submit feature to automatically request re-indexing for all affected pages.

By taking these steps, you can ensure that Google re-crawls and indexes your pages promptly, resolving temporary 404 errors and maintaining the integrity of your website's search presence.

Learn more about other Google Index Statuses...

  • Duplicate without user-selected canonical
  • Page with redirect
  • Alternate page with proper canonical tag
  • Submitted and indexed
  • Blocked by robots.txt
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